What is Xero?

Are you in need of an amazing Book Keeping System you can handle yourself or a Book Keeper to deal with?

Have you heard of Xero, but not sure what it is all about?

Here are a few answer some of the questions that you may have.

So what is Xero? Xero is a fabulous bookkeeping and payroll software designed for small business owners. Xero is used all around the world, by thousands of different companies and all from the palm of your hand. Yes, that’s right, you can literally take your business finances wherever you go with Xero.

As a small business, you need to work as streamlined as possible to ensure that you are making the most out of your time and out of your business. Xero is designed with small businesses in mind, with a friendly user face, Xero is easy to use and allows you to complete the tasks you want with ease.

Getting paid is vital for small businesses, how do you expect to grow without being paid? Xero offers a new way of invoicing. Gone are the days where you need to print off an invoice, pop it the post and hope that it arrives. Now you can send invoices online, direct for Xero. It arrives straight into their inbox and even notifies you when it has been read and paid as it gives the client the option of paying your invoice online, making the process even faster.

So how else does Xero save you time as a business? Well you know those clients who aren’t always quick off the mark when it comes to paying.  Well, Xero sends out automated invoice reminders, allowing you more time to work on your business, and less time chasing the money owed to you and your business. There are reports to show you which areas you are spending most of your money are which activities/services create the most income.  Great way to make informed financial decisions concerning your business.  There are so many other reports to keep track of your business finance.

VASS are Xero advisors, which means that we can look at your accounts whilst you do as well as advise you using Xero productively and efficiently. So, if you have a question or a query, we can hop online and take a look at it for you, making it easy to iron out any niggles before the end of the tax year.

Will Xero really suit my needs? Yes, no matter how big or small your business is, Xero can be tailor made to suit your needs. There are hundreds of add-ons to choose from and can help support your business finances effortlessly.

If you have more questions about using Xero and what impact it can have on your business, then speak with Zelica Jones. She knows everything that you need to know about Xero. So if Zelica doesn’t know it, then it isn’t worth knowing.